Cheat Sheet -How to stop drinking


Cheat Sheet for How to stop drinking

This PDF download is a quick reference “Blueprint for Success” Cheatsheet that will guide you in the steps you need to take to help you overcome your addiction to alcohol-The tips are what therapists would have you work with and use, but in a quick listed cheat sheet format with appendix with further explanations. There is an email to asked any questions on the tips.

Cheat Sheet for How to stop drinking*,**

*All these tips are within the website or will be written about and this Cheatsheet is meant for a quick reference on what the steps are to help you stop drinking and are meant as a guide. The sheet will give you an overall picture and guide to what you need to do and are what most therapists and professionals use to guide a person of this addictive drug through therapy to success- knowing the full process will help you stay organized and committed.  This small fee helps with keeping this resource website available.

** Disclaimer- This website and all of its information is to help with alcohol addiction. All of the information or the website, do not claim to cure alcohol dependence but as a guide, strategies or helpful tips that we have found through experience and knowledge have helped persons overcome alcohol issues with hard work. Please also seek professional medical advice for alcohol issues.